Stated Goals

This blog has a goal to create a self-sufficient Township, where liberty minded people can enjoy a life free from harassment by local government. We have set up a donate tab, and we need writers to post to make this blog more popular. We have 3 donation tiers at this time: A donation of $5,000 or more assures you a lot in the township upon finalisation; $500 will get you a lot when the Township expands (assuming it does); $50 will get you consideration when and if there are extra lots available. If you donate any of the amounts mentioned (or more), please ensure that your contact information is available, so that we can inform you when things get moving. Everything is on a first come, first considered basis, so if you are the first to donate $50, you will get first consideration when that tier is reached, and so on. NOTE: You are not purchasing anything, you are contributing money to help establish a new self-sufficient township, and as such, all promotions are based on goal realisation.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Need For Money

Does anyone else remember being young, and thinking it was actually possible to create a money tree? How about the first $100 bill you got, it seemed like you could get anything you ever wanted to with it? The first job you ever got, and how rich you felt?

You may be wondering why I bring all these things up. It is because starting at a very young age, we are taught that money is what we need, money will get us everything we want, money is the end all be all of existence. If you have lots of money, you are successful, and worth more than those who have less money. If you have very little money, than you are lazy, you have failed, you are a bum. These things are programmed in us, starting very young. We are bribed with money by our parents. Get good grades, do your chores, and so on, and we will give you x amount of dollars.

We were lied to, it wasn't our parents that lied to us, and they were lied to too. Our government depends on people wanting money, if people don't want money, than this whole thing called government comes crashing down. What we need and want is food, shelter, entertainment, novelty items, and so on. No one really needs or wants money, they need and want the things money can buy.

What if I told you there were other ways to get those thing? That money is just one way to get what you need and want. You could chose to work for a farmer, and instead of being paid in money, you could get paid in a percentage of the crops. You could trade your labor with a landlord in exchange for rent. You could trade, and barter, and get wages in forms that are not money.

What is the point right, there is a point to everything, so why do I tell you what many already know, but just don't think about every day. The point is it is this worship for money that is instilled in us at a very young age that causes many of us to never feel satisfied. You can make more and more money, but no matter how much you make it seems you just find more things to spend it on. What if I told you, you don't need more money, you are fine, and you have enough? We must stop this worshiping of money that has become so prevalent in our society. It is destroying us. I am not advocating communism, I am not preaching a socialist construct, I am simply asking everyone to recognize that it is not money that nourishes you. We do not need to suckle off the Federal Reserve tit. We can even be capitalists, and still not need money. Money is a tool, it makes trading easier, but it is not something we need, it is not something to worship like many do. 

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