Stated Goals

This blog has a goal to create a self-sufficient Township, where liberty minded people can enjoy a life free from harassment by local government. We have set up a donate tab, and we need writers to post to make this blog more popular. We have 3 donation tiers at this time: A donation of $5,000 or more assures you a lot in the township upon finalisation; $500 will get you a lot when the Township expands (assuming it does); $50 will get you consideration when and if there are extra lots available. If you donate any of the amounts mentioned (or more), please ensure that your contact information is available, so that we can inform you when things get moving. Everything is on a first come, first considered basis, so if you are the first to donate $50, you will get first consideration when that tier is reached, and so on. NOTE: You are not purchasing anything, you are contributing money to help establish a new self-sufficient township, and as such, all promotions are based on goal realisation.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Myths and About Me

Myth one: Land is too expensive, it will take millions to get enough land. This stems from people who have looked for lots of land that is already zoned for residential. I am not looking to buy residential land, I am looking to buy farm land, and you can get 70 to 100 acres for $200,000.

Myth two: This idea was tried several times in the 60's. In the 60's many communes came to be, true. This is not a commune, this does not try to force ideology on anyone, does not require anyone involved to contribute everything they have to it, and has very little in common with a commune. This is an attempt to make a self-sufficient township, the goal is to make it not that much different than living in any other town, just hopefully be able to produce all that we need, and limit governments involvement in our lives some.

Myth three: This will be a barter only economy. I don't even know where that one comes from, there might be bartering, people might use the US dollar, people might use an electronic currency I plan to make, the economy will be completely up to what the residents chose to do. The idea is more freedom, not to force people to do things they don't want to do.

This idea is very doable, I have done my research, and I know what I am doing.

About me a little:

I am a 36 yo computer programmer, I know plumbing, some construction, how to make construction materials, good knowledge of growing crops, and livestock, all things computer oriented, mechanics, and more. I am a knowledgeable individual. I understand economics, and sociology, which will allow me to organize a community with a great chance of success. I believe in freedom, I am not a dictator, my goal is to give people more freedom, not less. A fee similar to paying city taxes, will be all that is expected of you, and it is likely to be less than your current city taxes.

In conclusion, please ask questions, and don't jump to conclusions, because chances are your conclusions are wrong.

Andy Shambaugh

Saturday, December 20, 2014

As a Nation Slowly Falls

I watch in horror, as the place I call home changes before my eyes. The evidence is so plain to see for me, but many refuse its existence.

Corporations nurturing themselves, by suckling off the government tit. I picture a beautiful vibrant creature with many heads, and numerous tits, all of them occupied by a corporation, bank, or politician. More are coming, but where shall they go? As they approach closer, one tit becomes two, and they greedily begin to take their nourishment. They were fat as they approached, but now grow fatter, as they take their stolen nourishment. On the other side of this animal is one tit, and many faceless beings struggle to get at it. This tit does not split into two as the ones on the front of the animal, this tit remains only one, and the animal seems to struggle to ignore its existence, and the existence of the skinny, starving, who so desperately crave nourishment, at its backside. At times it is momentarily distracted as the numbers multiply at its backside. It then allows drops of nourishment from this back tit, as soon as the numbers at its back dwindle the nourishment is shut down, as if the meager drops it was providing on its backside was too much of a sacrifice for the greedy at its front to sustain.

Police enforcing the will of the wealthy. I picture an army, so strong in numbers, and with weapons capable of immense destruction. At its backside there are people who have grown fat, they bark orders at this army, which it follows without question. At the army’s front is a crowd that that is so immense that it dwarfs the size of even this great army. The army divides this crowd into smaller groups, and then attacks the smaller groups with great force. The portion of the crowd not divided yet stares in horror, and voices their displeasure, but they continue to stand and watch. As I watch this I cannot help but imagine that if it is to continue that the large crowd will continue to dwindle in size, until it becomes nothing. Many in the crowd now huddle among each other, the army sees them as no longer a threat, and the army now ignores them. The vast army continues to split the portion of the crowd that stands against them into smaller groups, and they continue to decimate the smaller groups. The rest of the crowd continues to stand and watch.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Small Donations Encouraged, and Some Questions Answered

Yes, it is true, if you donate a large amount you get first consideration, but that is only fair. Don't let that stop you from donating a little, if no one donates large amounts, someone has to populate the town regardless. Maybe you don't make it among the first group, maybe not even the second, but the goal of this town is to unite every freedom loving sole, and concentrate their political power. Donate a dollar, not so that you can be among the first in this township, but so this township can become a reality. Who knows you may be among the first, if no big donations are made those that do donate will be interviewed, and the most skilled of those individuals will be selected to start this town. I say to you now, forget your personal gain, invest in something bigger than yourself, invest in freedom. We may soon lose the rest of the country to tyranny, let’s try to make one town of freedom. A beacon of hope, for all those who fall victim to the tyranny of big government.

I guess it is time to answer some questions some may have about the town.

Location: The location of the town is not important, the town is meant to be self-sufficient, so the location will be somewhere that will support crops, and livestock, and land can be acquired at a reasonable price. Most likely in one of the heartland state in the continental United States.

Population: The town will be populated by not only those that donate, but by anyone that craves freedom from government. The town will start out with a population of somewhere around 20 individuals or families, and grow from that size. I hope the town finds funding that allows it to grow into a major metropolitan area.

Freedom from government?: The town will still be under the authority of the county, state, and federal government, and will only be free from a city government. Yes, it is true there will be some rules for living in the town, but the goal is to have as little rules as possible. This will also be one large privately owned piece of property. The fact that it is private property means the county, state, and federal government will have to get a warrant to enter, they cannot walk up to your front door, see something they don't like, and cause problems for you. We will gain a limited amount of freedom from government with the combination of not being within a city, and being on a large privately owned piece of property.

Housing: I plan on building houses from material available on the land. If a large amount of trees are available than wood houses, if there is limestone than concrete block houses, if clay than brick. That is only how I plan to build housing, anyone allowed to use a lot on the property is free to build their own house however they wish.

Ownership: In order for this to work, ownership has to stay in one person’s hands, or in one groups hands. No one will own their property, but no one has any threat of being removed from that property unless they cause a significant problem to the community.

Funding: Yes it is true, we will need funding. There is taxes to be payed, and we hope to continue to expand the land. We will start out with a small tax for those that work at jobs outside of the community, and for those that work within the community we will require goods produced. I plan on having a small storefront to sell goods to the public. This is not a free ride, everyone that lives in the community will have to somehow contribute to the community. There will be a zero unemployment rate in this community, if you are able bodied, you will have something to do.

Here is your chance ask your questions in the comment section, and I will try my best to answer them in a post. The answer may be I don't have an answer for that yet, but all questions will be addressed.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Truth About The Constitution

I forewarn you, this post will most likely insult every last person that reads it, but that is what the truth tends to do. If you don't want to hear the truth than leave now, but if you are willing to set your ego aside than read on. 

The Constitution of the United States of America was never meant to be followed by politicians. The citizens of this nation are responsible for enforcing the Constitution, We The People, are supposed to force the politicians to follow it. 

About the only thing the founding father did not foresee, is that there would come a day when a free people would refuse to fight to maintain their freedom. They could not fathom such a thing, they could not imagine that people would complacently allow their freedoms striped from them one by one. The Constitution is not a authority by itself, it is a war cry, it is a battle horn, it is equivalent to "Remember the Alamo". The Constitution is the motivation, and the justification for the people to overthrow a authoritarian governing body. 

When half the nation is entitled weaklings, and the other half greedy and corrupt, and only a few willing to fight for their freedom, what chance does the Constitution have. Without someone to defend it, the Constitution is just a piece of paper. When the people rally behind it, the Constitution is the law of the land. 

There is no Superman, he is not coming. We will not be saved, we have to save ourselves. Now is the time to once again rally behind the Constitution, now it the time for the battle cry "The Constitution Will Be Law Once Again". We can once again make the Constitution more than just a piece of paper. We can make the Constitution the Supreme Law of the land once again, but it takes us all to make it happen. The only law that ever mattered, and ever will matter, is the law of numbers. If the numbers are on the side of tyranny, than tyranny it will be. If the numbers are on the side of freedom, than freedom we shall have. 

Death happens to us all, the only question is how you will die. Will you die fighting for the freedom of your children, and grandchildren, or will you die old and grey in your bed 60 years from now, looking back on the day you read these words, wishing you had stood up against those who wish to enslave you. 

Our forefathers work is in danger of being in vain. The Constitution needs someone to defend it, there are many ways to defend it. Will you stand up today, and demand the law of the land be followed, or do you hold your personal comforts too valuable.

Americans have sold their freedom for egos, and vices. Today we should all set those egos aside, and throw those vices out. Today we need to stand as one, and speak with one voice. We need to stand up and say "Freedom is ours to have, you have no authority to take it from us, and we will fight you if you force our hand". 

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Most Dangerous Misunderstanding

The world is full of misunderstandings, most of them matter very little, a few of them matter, but I know of at least one that matters a whole hell of a lot. I am talking about the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

What we have been told this means is in order to protect the state we need a militia, so the militia has the right to keep and bear arms. That is wrong, not only that but it just does not say anything of the sorts. It says "the right of the people". Now we know it is being interpreted wrong, so what does it say?

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state" this is saying we need a militia to guarantee the security of the state. Well duh, that is obvious, why say it at all. You notice that after this statement there is a comma, not a period, that comma means that the next statement is related to the first. The next statement is "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.". So because we need a militia, the people shall maintain their right to keep and bear arms. The people's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, because we have to have a militia, and the people have to have the ability to defend themselves from that militia.

The people who wrote this document had just defeated a tyrannical government, and gained their freedom. They wanted to insure that no such absolute power could ever be formed here, they wanted the people to have the power to take the government back if it was to ever run astray.

The second amendment has already been compromised, we can't own weapons that the state can, and we are limited in magazine size some places. The purpose of the second amendment was to insure the citizens could defend themselves from the government. How can we defend ourselves, if we can't have tanks, fighter jets, missiles, and many other restricted weaponry? We can't, is the answer. That is why we cannot allow further erosion of the second amendment.

Goals of This blog

This blog has a goal to create a self-sufficient Township, where liberty minded people can enjoy a life free from harassment by local government. We have set up a donate tab, and we need writers to post to make this blog more popular.    We have 3 donation tiers at this time: A donation of $5,000 or more assures you a lot in the township upon finalisation; $500 will get you a lot when the Township expands (assuming it does); $50 will get you consideration when and if there are extra lots available. If you donate any of the amounts mentioned (or more), please ensure that your contact information is available, so that we can inform you when things get moving.    Everything is on a first come, first considered  basis, so if you are the first to donate $50, you will get first consideration when that tier is reached, and so on. NOTE: You are not purchasing anything, you are contributing money to help establish a new self-sufficient township, and as such, all promotions are based on goal realisation.