Stated Goals

This blog has a goal to create a self-sufficient Township, where liberty minded people can enjoy a life free from harassment by local government. We have set up a donate tab, and we need writers to post to make this blog more popular. We have 3 donation tiers at this time: A donation of $5,000 or more assures you a lot in the township upon finalisation; $500 will get you a lot when the Township expands (assuming it does); $50 will get you consideration when and if there are extra lots available. If you donate any of the amounts mentioned (or more), please ensure that your contact information is available, so that we can inform you when things get moving. Everything is on a first come, first considered basis, so if you are the first to donate $50, you will get first consideration when that tier is reached, and so on. NOTE: You are not purchasing anything, you are contributing money to help establish a new self-sufficient township, and as such, all promotions are based on goal realisation.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Myths and About Me

Myth one: Land is too expensive, it will take millions to get enough land. This stems from people who have looked for lots of land that is already zoned for residential. I am not looking to buy residential land, I am looking to buy farm land, and you can get 70 to 100 acres for $200,000.

Myth two: This idea was tried several times in the 60's. In the 60's many communes came to be, true. This is not a commune, this does not try to force ideology on anyone, does not require anyone involved to contribute everything they have to it, and has very little in common with a commune. This is an attempt to make a self-sufficient township, the goal is to make it not that much different than living in any other town, just hopefully be able to produce all that we need, and limit governments involvement in our lives some.

Myth three: This will be a barter only economy. I don't even know where that one comes from, there might be bartering, people might use the US dollar, people might use an electronic currency I plan to make, the economy will be completely up to what the residents chose to do. The idea is more freedom, not to force people to do things they don't want to do.

This idea is very doable, I have done my research, and I know what I am doing.

About me a little:

I am a 36 yo computer programmer, I know plumbing, some construction, how to make construction materials, good knowledge of growing crops, and livestock, all things computer oriented, mechanics, and more. I am a knowledgeable individual. I understand economics, and sociology, which will allow me to organize a community with a great chance of success. I believe in freedom, I am not a dictator, my goal is to give people more freedom, not less. A fee similar to paying city taxes, will be all that is expected of you, and it is likely to be less than your current city taxes.

In conclusion, please ask questions, and don't jump to conclusions, because chances are your conclusions are wrong.

Andy Shambaugh

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